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About Us

Mission Statement

Make Memories
Explore the exhibition
Enjoy our Events

Museum Humpis-Quartier is located in the heart of the city and sees itself as a place for the whole community. It aims to convey the history of the city in a vivid way, on the basis of specialist methods from the disciplines of history, cultural studies and museology. The content is presented in a comprehensible manner for a broad public, using the means that are available only to a museum: the staged, audio-visual and spatial narrative with original objects and artefacts.

M for Museum

The museum is a hive of activity: it wants to entertain, inspire, encourage and enable participation. It sees itself as an open house of learning for a heterogeneous and diverse society.
The museum offers various alternating creative workshops, a variety of guided tours and events on different topics for children, teenagers and adults.

The museum ensures inclusion and accessibility by making the exhibitions and the majority of the buildings wheelchair accessible, and texts are written in simple language. All of our educational programmes can be adapted for people with disabilities, and guided tours for non-sighted people can also be booked by sighted people.

H for History

In the museum you will encounter the material culture of the past in the form of countless original objects. A central task is to document, digitalise and preserve these objects. Researching their provenance and history is an important concern for the museum.

The museum’s temporary exhibitions examine contemporary historical backgrounds and contexts. They are dedicated to cross-epochal themes in the history of culture and mentality: the focus is always on the question of people’s possibilities for action and their opportunities in the microcosm of the city.

Q for Quarter

In the Humpis Quarter, the present meets the past under the modern glass architecture of the inner courtyard. Thus the starting point for looking at the past is also our present.

With its exhibitions, the museum aims to inform, to be critical, to lead and initiate debates about the city's history and society. The museum is open to criticism and welcomes your feedback and suggestions!
The members of the museum’s team cultivate a friendly and respectful atmosphere. They are curious and creative, represent a wide range of different competences, and seek exchange with interregional and international agents involved in culture and the arts, with networks and professional associations.


Dienstag bis Sonntag 11 - 18 Uhr

Karfreitag, 24., 25. und 31. Dezember bleibt das Museum geschlossen. Ostermontag und Pfingstmontag ist das Museum geöffnet. 

zu den Öffnungszeiten



Erwachsene7 € 
Ermäßigt5 €
Kinder bis 18 Jahrefrei 
Gruppen ab 10 Personen  6 € 

zu den Eintrittspreisen



Gefördert von
Bundesministerium für Kultur und Medien